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How to Transition from a 9-5 to Girlboss

Girlboss. It’s the word that has sparked quite a revolution within millennial women. Those of us with desires and dreams to create lives where we work for ourselves are being spurned on and inspired by this word. 

For some of us, the status quo of living the corporate life, commuting, clocking in from 9-5 (on a good day), timing your 1 hour lunch (often times at your desk) and getting approval on when you can and can not take a holiday has begun to grind us down. Now don’t get me wrong, if you are working in a job that you love, and like the structure – then go get it girl and do you! But if you ever felt like you wanted something more and wanted to take the reins in creating a lifestyle that works for you, then you have come to the right place.

Sometimes it can be incredibly scary to go against the grain and make the leap to self-employment. There are risks involved and often sacrifices to make. Don’t get caught up in the idea that it is all gorgeous office space, lattes in cafes all day and six figure launches – owning your own business is HARD WORK. You must be passionate about what you do – but it’s so rewarding and life changing – I have done it and it has not been an easy road, but I would never go back to a 9-5 corporate life!

 Here are our top tips to making the transition from 9-5 to Girlboss:



It takes dedication, discipline and lots of passion – but if you really want to escape from your 9-5, then you need to prepare! There is no better time to start your business than when you are still making money on someone else’s dime. It will be an intense period, but you should take advantage of the period when you are earning income to get your business plan together, test the market, secure funding, create a web presence and build a following. Once you are at a point where you feel secure financially – either through personal savings, business funding, or business revenue, then it’s time to make the leap and go solo full time!



Take advantage of any business trainings, workshops or seminars that your employer may put you through in your job. As an entrepreneur and business owner, training is ESSENTIAL to growth and development. Plus, if you are going solo and have to start doing your accounts, sales forecasting and budgets yourself, you are going to wish you had gone to that Excel training your employer organised for staff. This goes for sales, marketing, and communications trainings as well. Go to them all and learn – even if it’s just the basics – you will want to know the basics as you start your own venture.

If your employer doesn’t offer trainings in your current job (not all do), then do a few online courses. These are great because you can do them at your own pace ( i.e in your pyjamas in bed with a glass of wine) and work them into your schedule. 

Udemy has a great selection of courses, and Groupon usually have a ton of online trainings too. If you are looking for training specifically on subjects you’ll need for business, then check out our Luxe Launch Business Workshop – we have compiled all the training, support and inspiration you need to start and run a business in one place – think of it like Netflix for the #Girlboss! Plus it’s affordable, perfect for startup budgets!



When I was setting up my business in my spare time while employed, I always tried to live a little of the #Girlboss lifestyle I was seeking to achieve – sometimes I would take a half day off work and meet with my sister in one of our favourite cafes in Hampstead to develop our business plan, work on our website and go to a yoga class together at the end of the day. It felt so motivating to be able to experience that flexibility and freedom, even if it was just for an afternoon every month. It really spurned me on to work tirelessly to build the business and life that I wanted.


It’s time to start designing the life you want – the best time to start is NOW! Join our Luxe Launch Business Workshop to get training, an active community and support as you start your journey!



March 10, 2016

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