The Courage to Be Seen
As female entrepreneurs, it’s so important to have the courage to put yourself out there, take risks and embrace failure. In a world of perfect selfies and hateful anonymous commenters, it’s so easy to never want to expose yourself or your work for fear of being ridiculed.
Perfectionism is killing our creativity and our businesses. It seems like it’s not enough to have an idea, to work hard at bringing it to life and take a risk in sharing it with the world. No – there is this myth that you have to have everything proven and a raving fan base BEFORE you even put your foot on the gas pedal.
This type of thinking can be so counter-productive to building our businesses – or even just living life to the fullest. Well the truth is 1) not that many people are really thinking about you, they are more worried about what they look like. 2) For those people who do have something to say about what you do and how you do it – if they are not in your arena, there’s really no need to worry about them. And 3) Real success comes from engagement and trial and error. I’m taking a page from Brene Brown’s book ‘Daring Greatly’ which speaks a lot to having the courage to get vulnerable and step into the arena, despite being afraid or unsure of the results.
Fail. Get up. Fail Again. Get Up. Fail better. Unapologetically. Repeat. That’s where the growth comes in. It’s inevitable as a #girlboss that some heavy shade is going to get thrown your way. Rise above it and have the courage be seen.
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