How was 2020 for you? If you are like most women who work for themselves, 2020 has been taxing on your personal life, your career, your finances and your mental health. To say it’s been a tough year is an understatement – but there is a glimmer of hope – things can and will get […]
As a female entrepreneur, being able to maintain a vibrant social life whilst pursuing your dreams is difficult, but not impossible. We share top tips for what helps to stay as balanced during busy times.
Vestiaire Collective, Europe’s leading trusted social site for the resale of designer and premium fashion, is excited to announce the launch of its Ultimate Wardrobe Detox Guide. Developed in partnership with Anuschka Rees of, the style guru who knows how to create the ultimate wardrobe, this 8-page guide gives you an easy step-by-step guide to applying the rules of minimalism to your wardrobe.
Are you tired of living in the struggle, the rat race, and the hum-drum of life? Are you ready to experience something MORE for yourself? More money, more love, more happiness, more peace? Are you ready to live your fullest life as you’ve always wanted? If you aren’t on that law of attraction train, you need to get on it. Mindfulness and positive thinking aren’t just for spiritualists, monks, and hippies.
The rise of the nerd has been a hot topic for some time now, with tech startups popping up everywhere and countless opportunities to get involved. Despite this, the tech industry still has very few female developers, which means women have little influence on how these future technologies are being shaped.
It can be difficult to detox during this time of the year – with the London cold driving me to cuddle up with my favourite comfort foods, and New Year’s resolutions all but forgotten, I have to admit it’s hard to stay away from my beloved vices – starches, sugar and red meat. It’s one of my personal goals to shape up and get healthy for 2016.
Girlboss. It’s the word that has sparked quite a revolution within millennial women. Those of us with desires and dreams to create lives where we work for ourselves are being spurned on and inspired by this word. For some of us, the status quo of living the corporate life, commuting, clocking in from 9-5 (on a good day), timing your 1 hour lunch (often times at your desk) and getting approval on when you can and can not take a holiday has begun to grind us down.
Crystals and gems and stones, oh my! From amethyst to quartz and everything in between, crystals are a great addition to have in any home. Not only do they do wonders for the feng shui in your space, they are beautiful, unique and attract a ‘magical’ energy into your world.
How many of us are spending our lives feeling stuck, overworked, under-appreciated, or unfulfilled? Or maybe you have a great job but still feel like there is something missing?
That’s a wrap!London Fashion Week has come and gone and we at The Moderna had a crazy/wonderful time meeting with emerging designers, viewing some beautiful collections and cataloguing some of the trends coming your way.
Writing your idea down and bringing it to life with structure and strategy can make the difference between having an expensive hobby or a successful business. Regardless of what industry you’re in or what your business venture is, having a clear and thought out plan for start up, monetisation and growth can help you stay focused.
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